About Us

ChoiceTrade is an optimal choice for active traders, self-directed investors and stock market enthusiasts. Founded in 2000, ChoiceTrade has received four stars in the prestigious Barron’s survey of online brokers six times. ChoiceTrade provides a simple, easy to use web-based trading platform without the clutter and complications. Our goal is to meet the needs of our customers and to offer them a ‘CHOICE’. Regardless of the choices made, our customers are always assured that the benefits, convenience and service far exceed the commissions they'll pay at any level of trading sophistication.

The New Way to Success Advance Progress

Our Vision

We have selected our trading applications with one goal in mind - to meet the needs of our customers and to offer them a choice. Whether that's offering a basic web trading application for its simplicity, ease of use and low cost, or providing a system that enhances their trading experience complete with the necessary tools for making informed decisions. Regardless of the choices made, our customers are always assured that the benefits, convenience and service far exceed the commissions they'll pay at any level of trading sophistication.
Efficiency, versatility and leading edge capability - our trading products address these essential components. Coupled with ChoiceTrade's deeply discounted commissions and customer-centric focus, our package is complete. ChoiceTrade is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is a member of FINRA and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation www.sipc.org.